

どれもバラ目・バラ科・サクラ属の植物なので 似ているのも当然です。種類によっては例外もありますが、見分けるポイントは花の付き方と花びらの形、そして咲く時期です。[source]

Differences between “Ume / 梅” (plum blossom or Japanese apricot), “Sakura / 桜” (cherry blossom), and “Momo / 桃” (peach blossom):

These flowers are all culturally cherished throughout history of Japan, symbolising the beginning of new year and spring. Yet they are often confused!

Here are some tips: plum blossoms as early as January with round petals; cherry blossoms March to April and have a small split at the end of each petals; peach blossoms in April and have pointy petals.

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